THIGH SPEED WEIGHTS and speed belt
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We designed the Speed Belt to be multifunctional; by having metal and canvas loops placed throughout the full length of the belt, you can attach additional training devices from any direction.
@gf_training Sprint drills using @speedweights for added resistance.
The thigh weights add resistance, which increases hip flexor strength and explosiveness.
What I love about this product is that it doesn’t limit your range of motion, which allows you to execute proper sprint mechanics. I also love the ability to add or reduce weight at your own discretion. It’s amazing the difference you notice with only a few pounds of added resistance to hip flexion.
Track & Field, Running Backs, Wide Receivers…
We developed the Thigh Speed Weights and Speed Belt to improve the performance of sport athletes, and to maximize any training session for fitness athletes.
The Thigh Speed Weights emulate your body’s natural anatomical shape; they fit snug on your body. This allows you complete freedom of movement. You are not tied or strapped to anything, no bands, no cords. The resistance from the Thigh Speed Weights is a constant resistance no matter the movement or exercise, unlike bands and cords where the resistance is only applied one way, awkwardly pulling you and hindering your natural movement.
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For sport athletes, such as track, the Thigh Speed Weights and Speed Belt are innovative in the fact that you are strength training as you hone your specific technique. This is invaluable as you work to find that perfect form, all while creating power, speed, and muscle memory throughout the full range of the movement, and at all velocities of the movement. The added resistance not only pushes you to work harder within your sport specific movement or exercise but will also help with injury prevention by correcting any muscle imbalances you may have. Because of the constant resistance throughout the movement, your muscles are being activated both eccentrically and concentrically, meaning they are strengthening and developing together. Multiple muscle groups are being stimulated in an integrated fashion, working together to strengthen your legs, hip flexors, and core as a complete unit. This is the opposite of an isolated movement, such as a leg extension done in a gym.
With many other products, the weight or resistance is added to the actual product or machine, and not on the athlete themself. This fails to activate your muscles in unison, which is a must to improve sports performance.
For fitness athletes, the light resistance from the Thigh Speed Weights will maximize your workout by stimulating your muscles more, burning more calories, and increasing muscle tone faster.
With our interchangeable weight system on the Thigh Speed Weights, you can progress at your own pace, selecting a resistance within each thigh sleeve from 0.5lbs to 4.0lbs. Plus, the Speed Belt loops allow you to add other equipment, such as a parachute, a weight sled or vertimax raptor to increase resistance, and elevate your training session.
We have revolutionized the way sport and fitness athletes train. Our Thigh Speed Weights strengthen your sport specific movement and maximize any training session.