EMVP Sports Performance Products SPEED WEIGHTS




We created the Kicking Velocity Program to improve the performance and muscular health of all kicking athletes (Soccer, Football and Rugby).

If you want to increase the distance on your kicks, ball velocity on your strikes, or beat your opponent to the ball with power and speed – you've come to the right place.

Kicking athletes are unlike any other athlete, and the way you strength train must be specific to what you do on the field. Just kicking or only playing the sport is not enough to reach a higher level of performance today. You must have a specific strength component to your training; not a generic strength workout that does not address your particular needs of your sport or position.

You must have 'functional strength' in order to attain peak performance, something that cannot truly be done just by lifting weights in a gym. However, it is the combination of ‘functional strength training’ and ‘specific to your sport gym lifting’ that will have any athlete performing at his or her highest level.

With that said, functional strength training is more than half of the equation when it comes to you attaining peak performance, and our Leg Speed Weights and Kicking Velocity Program are the very definition of Functional Strength Training.

Our team of current and former professional athletes along with certified sports physiotherapists created this program with one goal in mind; to improve the strength and performance of the kicking athlete. It is innovative in the fact that you are strength training as you hone your technique. This is invaluable as you work to find that perfect form, all while creating power, speed, and muscle memory throughout the full range of the movement.

Multiple studies have shown the benefits of Functional Strength Training on athletic performance, finding that those who trained with an added resistance routine increased their performance in a matter of weeks. Ours is a custom version for the kicking athlete that is focused on strengthening the muscles that are critical for peak performance.

The Kicking Velocity Program is a 4 Stage online training program that is built around the Leg Speed Weights. All the exercises within the program are chosen specifically for the kicking athlete. The online program guides you on how to properly train with and use the Leg Speed Weights, ensuring the maximum results. The program is accessible to you 24/7; you can access the entire program from any handheld device, just log in with the username and password you create.


STAGE 1 takes you through a proper warm up. We have an extensive list of warm up exercises that will prepare your body for the strength training that you are about to begin and help prevent injury.

STAGE 2 is the functional strength section. This is where you will perform your normal on-the-field movements such as kicking, punting, dribbling or passing the ball. The light resistance from the Leg Speed Weights stimulates your muscles to work harder within your sports specific movement, increasing your power and speed. It also helps you find a more consistent kick or movement, activates your muscles both concentrically and eccentrically; correcting any muscle imbalances you may have, and reducing the risk of muscular injury.


STAGE 3 is the exercise section. Our extensive list of exercises are chosen specifically for the kicking athlete in order to build strength and speed. With each new workout session you will choose 3 different exercises from each of our categories; Eccentric, Core and Plyometric. We do this to consistently introduce your muscles to different types of contractions and movements ensuring strength gains and minimizing plateaus.


STAGE 4 is the stretching portion of the Kicking Velocity Program. Many athletes fail to recognize how important flexibility is to peak performance and injury prevention. Our stretching portion is broken down by muscle groups that are critical for the kicking athlete. Each muscle group has a selection of different stretches to be performed after every workout session.




We’ve said it time and time again - The Leg Speed Weights are built to improve athletic performance. Innovation always demands proof, and that’s just what we set out to achieve.

We conducted 2 studies – one lab based with football kickers/punters, where we partnered with Jeff Wolfert (KC Kicking) and DARI Sports Lab. Jeff and DARI created a software that analyzes the athlete's leg swing patterns and the consistency of the swing. (Check out their video here). The football kickers trained for 6 weeks with the Leg Speed Weights and Kicking Velocity Program.

Our other study was all field based with soccer players. They trained for four weeks. We tested running speed, kick distance, ball velocity after a strike, and leaping height.

In both studies, all the athletes were tested at the start and at the end of their training period.

The RESULTS – Technique and Accuracy Skyrocketed. Because of this, we saw dramatic improvements across the board in speed, ball velocity, kick distance, hang time, balance, and leaping height.

When technique improves, it all comes together, and less effort is needed to carry out the movement.